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One of the most popular new products on Slope lately has been SlopeAlerts, and with good reason. It provides a nearly real-time mechanism for getting notifications about stocks and crypto prices, including chart-based alerts. We have provided three different ways to get notices – – email, SMS text, or Telegram – – and now we’ve added a “bonus” method, which is accessible via this choice in SlopeCharts preferences:


As you have probably already deduced, this provides a browser-based method of alerting you to events. No need to check email, text, or Telegram. It’ll just pop right in front of you in SlopeCharts in your browser!


Of course, there are some days when you will have many alerts, and you may just decide to click Clear All instead of thumbing through them. The point is that this is a convenient new way to keep on top of prices that are relevant to your trading world.