Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Overnight Success

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I don’t think I’ve ever learned so many things, so fast, in my life. I knew zero about NFT a month ago (except to deride it, as most people here still do). Now it’s making a splash! And, hey, I’ll never push Bored Apes or CryptoPunks aside, but it’s a great start! Explore and see for yourself. To see us on any list in just a week’s time amazes me, even if it’s 817th place!


Trade/Invest Macro Guide

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Below is an excerpt from an NFTRH report (#676, due out on 10.10) that has not even been written yet, outside of this opening segment that clarifies and makes some of the concepts NFTRH deals in more standard and hence, more readily understandable by more people.

Unless you are a pure day trader there should always be a reason for a given investment stance at any given time. That is because the MACRO (top-down global economic/financial backdrop) is the environment within which the micro (trades, investments) exists. At any given macro juncture there are (generally speaking) dos and don’ts with respect to micro trades and investments. From the October 10th edition of Notes From the Rabbit Hole


The Great Curve

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I’m pleased to announce new tools in SlopeCharts: the Quadratic Curve and the Cubic Curve. These are both drawn objects which can be made available via the drawn objects palette.


It’s easier to show you these things than to describe them. Here is the quadratic curve, which you can create by clicking two anchor points and then clicking a third anchor point between them to stretch the curve to your liking.
