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Thanksgiving Thoughts

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UPDATE NOTE – Since I wrote this post last night, SPX/ES has obviously broken down from the asymmetric double top there with alternate targets in the 4540 and 4515 (both SPX) areas, though so far, NDX/NQ has not yet broken down.

So far this week SPX has defied the historically bullish tape over Thanksgiving and that strong historical bullish bias extends into the close on Monday. I was leaning towards seeing at least a backtest of the 4540 SPX area after that but it looks like we may see that before.


The big number on the equity index board at the moment is the high SPX made a few days ago at 5.54% over the 45dma, which closed Wednesday at 4538. SPX is likely topping out here for a reversion to mean move, and the mean I use is that 45dma, so I’m watching for a setup to take SPX back to that area.
