For absolutely no reason, I remembered this old clip of Carol Bartz from 2010. At the time, she was running Yahoo, and she had this very rude and unprovoked confrontation with famed tech journalist Michael Arrington:
So, yeah, old Carol seems to be a pretty damned angry person.
She got fired at CEO, having failed to do anything constructive at the company. She became best known for things like the childish outburst above, but I noticed that once we re-emerged on the public scene, this was her brilliant new investment guidance for the world:
As the title plainly states, “Cannabis is the new tech“.
Ummm. What? I guess that’s the kind of damage that can happen to one’s brain if they smoke a lot of weed. Here’s an example of this brilliant advice, and the very first stock she suggests:
Ya know, sometimes people simply don’t know what they’re talking about. But, of course, people were probably too afraid to SAY anything to her, for a multitude of reasons, so……..she just keeps talkin’.