Pain in Palo Alto

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In downtown Palo Alto, the two main streets are University Avenue and Hamilton Avenue. On Hamilton Avenue is a web company called SE Ranking, whose engineers are largely from Ukraine. I pass it almost every day of the week.

Last Sunday, one of their employees – – Tatiana Perebeinis – – was trying to flee Ukraine with her two children. In spite of Russia’s pledge not to harm civilians, they started shelling the suburban area where Tatiana was frantically crossing a footbridge with her kids, and this was the result:

That’s the “after” picture. A mother and her two children dead in a gutter, with their luggage and pet carrier next to their corpses. Here is a photo of Tatiana Perebeinis, who, forgive me for saying so, was obviously absolutely stunning and could have easily been a model instead of a tech worker if she wanted.

What, precisely, was accomplished by Russia murdering this woman and her two children? Nothing, obviously. All it does is deepen the hatred toward the country.

Where was her husband, you might ask? He was also in Ukraine, farther west, attending to his ailing mother. He learned his wife and children were killed…………….via Twitter.

I simply have no words. This entire circumstance is idiotic beyond description.