Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

On the Supreme Court Leak (by Winston Smith)

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I will address the real issue which the mainstream media may not be giving enough focus on. Instead, the main coverage has to do with virtue signaling and grandstanding of political pundits, politicians playing to their respective bases. Corporations doing their thing kissing their customers’ asses as usual. I would ask you to check your bias at the door for a moment, and take off your varsity jacket for a moment, and tell you why I think we all lost a bit due to this leak today regardless of what tribe you belong to.


April ISM and the Forward View

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ISM hints at forward deceleration

Uncle Buck

As a former manufacturing guy I am well aware of how monetary policy and the state of the US dollar affects US manufacturers. But I have not been that guy for so long now that I tend not to look at it as closely anymore. But the current time seems appropriate for a review of the manufacturing sector.

I actually used to look down upon the ‘services’ economy as something almost artificial, given that the US had been exporting its manufacturing base (and thus, much of its productivity) for decades and replacing normal economic cycles with monetary chicanery (like the Fed’s ability to regulate the economy through interest rate manipulation) in order to keep the consumerist racket going.


Yet Another Victory Lap

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Sorry to do this to you, but when I stumbled across oh-my-God incredible ideas I offered in the past, I have to share them. I have to have SOME way to compel people to, ya know, actually PAY me for my hard work 365 days a year. Anyway, the stock in question is Wayfair, which I fervently suggested as a short idea in a post from December 6 2021. As I describe it at the time, it was “at the cusp of breaking below a fantastically well-formed topping pattern.” Yeah, I’d say so……….arrow marks the sell spot:
