Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Inflation & Commodities

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#745’s Commodities segment, discussing inflation and the materials of inflation

Excerpted from the February 19th edition of Notes From the Rabbit Hole (#745)

Inflation & Commodities

The news is full of articles now discussing how food (Staples) producer prices are going to continue rising, how warehouse and distribution channels are pushing “inflation” higher, how charges to use cargo containers and transportation are all pushing “inflation” higher.

The inflationary acts were committed in 2020 and 2021. The inflation was inflicted then and is now history. What is happening now is a plethora of knock-on effects from the inflation. It’s lagging, sticky and in some cases opportunistic and greedy stuff that is not inflation but instead, the predictable after-effects of it.


The eBook is eReady!

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Well, February 20th is here, which means that the eBook version of my first novel, Solid State, is ready for your reading pleasure. Here’s a micro-synopsis of the book, and I hope you’ll gamble nine bucks in order to give it a read. And you can start reading it immediately! Thank you!

In the year 2036, humanity has achieved a nearly perfect digitally based society. Behind the scenes, a terrorist group known as The Liberators see it as their mission to free humanity from the shackles of social media. Aided by a rogue tech billionaire, they detonate a nuclear device over the heart of technology, the San Francisco Bay Area. Their act instantly turns back the clock two hundred years on the eight million people who live there, leading to widespread chaos and death. In the aftermath of the attack, an ambitious young Senate candidate rescues his family from the horrors of the disaster as more attacks are threatened. The man behind the attack learns he has been a pawn in a global game. Through an encounter with a mysterious stranger, he finds a pathway to redeem himself and make amends to those he has gravely harmed.
