Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Gold Miners on Schedule

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Gold miners continue to correct per projections as GDX drops toward a buy zone

The gold and silver Commitments of Traders, as tracked each week in NFTRH leading into the correction, indicated a potential for a coming decline in gold, silver and the gold miners. A correction, not the end of the bull phase by this sentiment measure. CoT was overdone, but not extreme to a bull killer degree.

This as the macro fundamentals had been positive since late 2022 and gold miners’ technical situation bullish, but in doubt as to the ability to continue upward in the near-term.


The Coffee Shop Scene

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With all the talk about AI lately, including its widely-reported promise of eliminating 300 million jobs (which, oddly, is touted as great news), I was reminded of a scene in my book Solid State. Here it is, for your reading pleasure, and if you enjoy it, perhaps consider getting the entire novel!

Tobias Huang walked up to the counter and grabbed both of the drinks he had ordered. Even though it was late in the day, Philz was packed with customers, mostly Stanford students and a few local startup types who just wanted a change of scenery from their nearby offices.

“Here’s your chai”, Tobias said as he put the drink on the table. Before he sat down, Tobias glanced around and noticed every patron there had their face buried in one kind of screen or another. Even though Ethan Wesley was running for one of California’s Senate seats, not a single person at the coffee shop seemed to notice he was there. It was clear that Tobias had his work cut out for him. His candidate was quite plainly anonymous.


Memorial ETFs: Energy

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Preface to all ETF posts this weekend: This is not a normal holiday weekend. Supposedly, when we return to the trading world Tuesday, there will be some resolution (or more chaos) regarding the debt ceiling. In the meanwhile, I have gathered together different families of ETFs for review, and I have stated my remarks in the caption area below each.

I would also like to note that, as a special this holiday weekend, I am giving away my Joy of Charting book, which I will ship to you free of charge for signing up at ANY subscription level. Just drop me a line when you subscribe to tell me where to send it. As an added bonus, I’ll also provide a copy of my Solid State audiobook for your listening pleasure, free of charge!

Although not energy per se, the DBC fund is dominated by crude oil. We can see how, for many months, the DBC has been ‘leaking away” from its broken channel.


Memorial ETFs: Sectors

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Preface to all ETF posts this weekend: This is not a normal holiday weekend. Supposedly, when we return to the trading world Tuesday, there will be some resolution (or more chaos) regarding the debt ceiling. In the meanwhile, I have gathered together different families of ETFs for review, and I have stated my remarks in the caption area below each.

I would also like to note that, as a special this holiday weekend, I am giving away my Joy of Charting book, which I will ship to you free of charge for signing up at ANY subscription level. Just drop me a line when you subscribe to tell me where to send it. As an added bonus, I’ll also provide a copy of my Solid State audiobook for your listening pleasure, free of charge!

The real estate fund is a vital element of the bear market. It has continued hammering down its series of lower lows and lower highs. Long-term, it needs to take out its low from last October to let the larger pattern fully express its downside potential.
