Slippery When Wet

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My normal routine in the morning is to wake up at about 4, stare at the ceiling and review all the mistakes and shortcomings in my life, get out of bed at 5, and start my work day. That rut got interrupted last night, because I was awakened at about 1 in the morning by one of my children informing me “the entire first floor has an inch of water.” (Kids like to exaggerate for drama).

I hustled downstairs, delighted to have had my sleep wrecked, and found that, mercifully, it wasn’t the entire first floor, and it was just a couple of millimeters of water. (This was related to the kitchen remodel). In short order, I was armed with a shop-vac, a pile of towels, a mop, some Bona, and a couple of hours later it was as good as new. (If you’re ever applying for a family job, don’t pick the Dad. Honestly. It’s the worst one).

It thus makes sense that, instead of waking up precisely one hour later, I slumbered until 6:35 (a full 5 minutes into the trading day!) which is why my first post of the day is so terribly late.

Thanks to the generous help of the United States taxpayer, JP Morgan reported a grand old time this quarter. If, instead, we lived in an actual capitalist economy, they would be in bankruptcy court, but instead, it’s a financial bonanza.

Other banks reported as well, although they’re not exactly following through with power. Some, like Citibank, never really recovered from 2008 in the first place.

The one big report not from a bank was United Healthcare, which is roaring higher but still, given the context of that huge dome, could ultimately be a massive top.

This has been a non-magnificent week (and the flooding in the wee hours was a perfect complement to that), but let’s see if we can make something out of this Friday.