Behold the Data Panel

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I am absolutely thrilled to announce an improvement to SlopeCharts that I believe will be transformative: the Data Panel.

Now, on the surface, some of you may look at this thing and say: “So what?” Perhaps you aren’t as zealous about SlopeCharts as I am. But, I can assure you, it’s a big deal.

Those of you who have played with SlopeCharts even a little bit know that, to date, the leftmost portion of the product was dedicated to watch lists. That is still the case, but now we’ve transformed it into an area that can hold all kinds of information. Here’s a taste:


Now let me say right away that this is the first step toward a wide variety of information that is going to be housed into the Data Panel. In coming days and weeks, you’re going to see other goodies appear, such as the Economic Database, the Futures Database, SlopeRules, and all kinds of other surprises.

The beauty of this is that it will give you much faster, much more efficient, and far more transparent access to the mountains of data that SlopeCharts offers. I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited about an improvement to this platform. Go to the SlopeCharts page, hit Ctrl-F5 to make sure you’ve got the latest version, and check it out!