The Recent Metals Action Is “Causing” Me To Change My Life

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I have made a ground-breaking discovery this past week.  It is so earth shattering, that it will literally change the course of my life, and may cause you to change yours as well.  Let me explain.

Maybe you believe that the stock market volatility was the reason the metals rose?  Well, the S&P500 is within 2% of its all-time highs, yet the metals have continued to rally alongside the market.

And, maybe you believe that North Korea is the reason that the metals have rallied?   Well, I have dealt with that issue last week, so I do not have to re-address it here again.  But, suffice it to say that anyone who has really followed geopolitical events will know that gold has moved in completely opposite directions during such tensions through history, and they will never provide directional guidance for the metals. (more…)

Equatorial Post

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Well, I’m going to take a break from my so-called vacation to do a post from my undisclosed tropical location. The old “Tim is traveling, so the market must fall” meme has stopped working, in spite of Monday’s minuscule sink. As I type this, equities are stronger across the board, and word on the street is that VIX, already at the lowest level in history, is heading toward 8.

I remain focused strongly on energy, and the yellow tint marks the “things get even suckier for the bears” market. Of course, by tomorrow morning we should have clarity on this, since the weekly inventory report rolls out. As for now, I remain long DRIP, which has a nice profit (again, for the moment).


As I mentioned, equities are at lifetime highs (again), as the ES marches higher, thanks to strong Dow component earnings.


And, in spite of Google’s post-earnings weakness (off nearly 3% pre-market), the NQ doesn’t care and is steadily storming to new lifetime highs.


I’m also long DUST (triple-bearish on gold miners) and short GLD. If the US dollar can get a bit of strength, gold should kick in with some meaningful weakness.


OK, back to my faux relaxation. See you much later.

Gold’s “Bearish Bulls” Addressed, Now What?

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[as to the article’s title, I don’t have a firm, paint-by-numbers answer, but I surely do have strategy]

An NFTRH subscriber named Joe, who is a former fund guy and current chart cranking, idea generating maniac (←said with admiration) came up with the term “bearish bulls” recently, by which he meant that a whole lot of people were looking down in the gold sector, especially heading into this week as the dreaded ‘GDXJ rebalance’ and then next week’s FOMC loomed.

On the former, some bounce opportunities were created in oversold companies involved in the rebalance (with bearish bulls’ short covering providing the accelerant) and on the latter, I very much expect the Fed to raise the Funds Rate next week; and so does the futures market. From CME Group

fed funds rate futures


Two Blondes, Two Fates

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Last week, my teenaged son asked me a sincere question: “How come Marissa Mayer got $200 million by screwing up Yahoo?”

It was a good question, and one I had trouble answering at first, because I’d like him to think that there’s some level of fairness, meritocracy, and sensibility to this world of ours. In Mayer’s case, however, there is none. Her entire massive fortune is due to being in the right place, at the right time, on multiple occasions. She is no more clever or shrewd than someone who won the mega-jackpot lottery. (more…)