Slope of Hope Blog Posts

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What the Heccis?

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I'm always on the lookout for novel ways of looking at and timing the market.

Late last year, the following chart was sent to me:


It was dated November 20, and it called for the NASDAQ's fall to end on that very day.

Well, I've got to say, I'm impressed. Strictly speaking, the NASDAQ made a nominal new low in March (and, were I watching this chart at the time, I would have dismissed it as having failed). But in a broad sense, buying up NASDAQ stocks in November would have worked out quite nicely so far. So, with the benefit of hindsight, I'm intrigued.

Apparently this is the product of something called the Heccis Cycle, and I've tried to buy the book to learn more (the, errr, order page doesn't seem to work as well as the cycle does………I can't for the life of me figure out how to actually buy the thing). I'd be interested in opinions as well as input on other cycle techniques that have worked out for Slopers.