Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Crude Crumbles

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First, I want to personally thank Jesus H. Christ in heaven for giving me ONE day when the bulls who frequent this holy place will STFU. My God, you people are the most obnoxious and self-satisfied welfare queens ever to smite the Earth. Damn!

Ahem. OK. That’s out of my system.

My totally-and-completely-short portfolio has been green all day long, thanks to the energy sector. I’ve been carping about the “collapsing shelves” for a while, and crude oil, as I predicted/hoped, is following silver and gold down the rabbit hole. (One point of clarification – I am long one item, as discussed with my beloved Slope Plus subscribers early yesterday). (more…)

From Crazytown to Bet The House

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My main trading partner is Mike Vacchi, who I mention regularly. We trade every day in his room at Princeton Trader. Mike has a system that he has been using for ten years or so to identify levels where the market is either extremely overbought or oversold, and they are set at distances from the 45 day pivot. That is at 1942.13 today and we have now spent an unprecedented (in the last ten years) five days now trading around the ‘Crazytown’ level at 70 points over the pivot. At 80 points over it is the ‘Bet The House’ level and ES hit that overnight and traded there awhile. That level can be overshot, but rarely for more than a few hours without a significant retracement starting. I am short from Bet the House and actively looking for that retracement here. (more…)