Slope of Hope Blog Posts

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Gold Sector, Big Picture

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Following is a reprint of the latest free eLetter that you can sign up for as an introduction to Notes From the Rabbit Hole (NFTRH), our more in-depth market management service.

Big Picture Gold Sector Update

On shorter time frames the gold sector has been viewed as being on an ‘anti-USD’ inflation bounce. This bounce scenario in gold stocks and commodities took a hit last week with the US dollar’s strong bounce.

In NFTRH we are managing things on both short and long time frames, with the short-term currently tied to movements in the USD. On the long-term however, things appear to be setting up for the next big macro play. The following charts are used for big picture updates to give perspective to the shorter-term work we do each week in NFTRH.

Gold Sector Update (Big Picture) (more…)