Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Wave Down into 11,600 for FXCM US Dollar Index?

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$USDOLLAR From an Elliott Wave perspective the consolidation pattern in the FXCM US Dollar Index  that we have seen since the May 13th low could be viewed in one of two ways. The first of which is that the May 13th low was the wave a of (iv) and this consolidation pattern was a b wave triangle after which we expect a c wave down to complete wave (iv) into the 11,600 area before continuing back higher in our larger degree bullish pattern. This is my preferred count at this time and is shown in white on the charts:

full-MtFQFZYEITpxbT34ITyQ3 full-hAcj3E4uuCvo2ZcUQ2DvH

Originally published on, by Mike Golembesky.

A Request for Canine Assistance

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Hi Slopers – – – I’m a dog fan, as many of you know, and my ninth (!) dog, Coda, was adopted from Doggie Protective Services. The woman who runs the organization emailed me earlier this week (the emphasis is mine):

In September our rescue van was totaled in an accident. A 22 year old was texting and cut in front of our van and both vehicles were totaled. Our insurance paid off our van but left very little for even a down payment. Our van is our means of transportation. We have been unable to rescue dogs or transport them since the accident.

We travel to No CA from So CA 3x’s a month and to Las Vegas 1-2 times a month. The van is used for all rescuing, vetting, grooming, adoptions of the dogs and/or cats. We also use it to collect donations, purchase large quantities of food, etc. We have placed almost 1000 animals this year alone and without the van we wouldn’t be placing even 50.

We rescue dogs who would otherwise be euthanized in the high kill shelters in So CA and because there is much more of a market for them in NO CA we transport them there. We are no longer able to do that and we can’t take in abandoned, abused and neglected dogs like Coda, right now. We need a means to transport them.

Will you join me in helping out? I have no affiliation with these folks except as a person who has adopted one of their “difficult” dogs. Click here for the link. Thank you!


So About That Musk Idea

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Back on June 4th, I suggested that the bloom would soon be off the Elon “the next Steve Jobs” Musk, and that would express itself in the diminishment of price for SCTY and TSLA. As I put it, “One would think the market is trading Elon Musk’s reputation instead of two utterly separate companies, considering how they look like clones.”

Well, TSLA moved higher after my post, but then ultimately headed lower (I’ve marked the post date with an arrow).
