Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

U.S. Markets Emerging From Chaos

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The following dailyweekly and monthly charts of the four U.S. E-mini Futures Indices show that they are at the emerging edge of chaos [which is defined by three future-offset moving averages (green 5MA, -3), (red 8MA, -5), and (blue 13MA, -8)].

In all of these three timeframes, the NQ is the strongest and is the most favoured to continue its rally, while the ES is next, followed by the YM and RTY.

In the short term, watch for all three of the moving averages to curl upwards on the daily timeframe (with the green above the red above the blue), and for price to break and hold above all of them, to confirm that a sustainable rally is supported.


Chart Group: Gap Retrace

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Preface to all six “chart group” posts: This weekend I’m taking a different approach. Instead of doing a bunch of videos about my short positions in alphabetical order, I have grouped them into six specific categories based on their pattern’s nature. I will post four of these six for everyone, and two of these six just for premium members. This particular group, Gap Retrace, is characterized by a clearly-defined price gap which recent prices have stayed persistently beneath, and the components are as follows:

slopechart ARW

Chart Group: Uptrend Damage

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Preface to all six “chart group” posts: This weekend I’m taking a different approach. Instead of doing a bunch of videos about my short positions in alphabetical order, I have grouped them into six specific categories based on their pattern’s nature. I will post four of these six for everyone, and two of these six just for premium members. This particular group, Uptrend Damage, is characterized by a break below a major uptrend, yet price action in which recent prices are not clearly below the broken line, and the components are as follows:

slopechart ALL