I feel a certain amount of guilt that my lovingly-chosen prospective shorts are corralled into my Bear Pen, unused and undeployed.

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I feel a certain amount of guilt that my lovingly-chosen prospective shorts are corralled into my Bear Pen, unused and undeployed.
Early on Thursday, when the Dow was up hundreds of points (bringing the grand total to almost 8,000 from criminal Powell) I wrote my premium members and suggested they pay attention to the trendline tag. Turns out that trendline held strong!
Although my “short everything with a ticker symbol” strategy worked great in February and March, it is fraught with risk in this new, fake market. I have thus dialed way back on individual positions (I think I had 100 at one point) to a mere 37. I have re-entered the world of options trading, by way of simple directional bets. Here is precisely what I’ve bought:
No, I’m not switching sides. I will say, however, that a couple of members of my Bull Pen look especially good, and they both happen to be in the fuel cell business.
I’ll break tradition and say something pleasant for a change.
As we here in Santa Clara County remain locked down, unable to even get a haircut, I thought I’d share a few things that have come out of this pandemic which have been personally beneficial or otherwise edifying. In no particular order, I am grateful for the following: