Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Happiness vs. The Book

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As most of you know, I “discovered” the philosopher, lecturer, and author Alan Watts a few weeks ago, and I’ve been pretty much obsessed with him ever since. He wrote many books, and I just finished reading a couple of them: The Meaning of Happiness and The Book.

The first one, Happiness, was published in 1940. Alan Wilson Watts was born in 1915, so he wrote this book when he was around 24 years old. I find that to be remarkable, because the book absolutely crackled with wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence. For a young man to construct a book such as this absolutely knocks my socks off. I highlighted it thoroughly, and I found myself thinking and feeling differently even after just one read.


The Resistance

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For all the fuss and bother about “Quad Witching Day”, there’s not much going on. As I type this, the ES and NQ are down less than half a percent, the small caps RTY is up 0.7%, and the otherwise maniacal $BTC is down a quarter of a percent. Yawn.

The poster child of this market, Redfin, continues to notch its 375th “up” day in a row, although it’s looking a bit flush in the cheeks:


A Bigger Picture View of HUI

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As Huey pushes his cart of rocks out of the dark and up the hill…

In NFTRH we did a lot of work managing the oncoming correction, the valid reasons behind it (these reasons are beyond the scope of this post, but don’t listen to the perma-bulls, they were more than valid and readable in advance), the now nearly 5 month old correction (technically still intact) and more recently the improved risk vs. reward after HUI hit our long-standing ‘best’ target of 280 +/-.
