Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Best of 2020: Part 2 of 8

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Preface to all eight parts: This year was an extraordinary one for the world and an amazing one for Slope. Our user base has grown, our site has dozens more features, and we are poised for a great 2021, which will be our sixteenth year in business. Out of the thousands of posts this year, we have picked some we believe you will enjoy re-reading the most.

Diminishing Returns
My frantic short-selling starts to dry up

Fed Panics. Tim Cheers.
The Federal Reserve goes absolutely “all in” to save the rich

A Crucial Weekend
The last big weekend before the crash stopped in its tracks

Frogs From the Sky
The plague comes to Silicon Valley

Sand Castles and Fed Waves
Reflections on Q1 of 2020

Powell’s Pathetic Perversion
Treatise on why exactly I have such a bug up my ass about the Fed

Pain-Free Debt
Trillions and Trillions (say it in a Carl Sagan voice)

Forget the Prick
Has the bubble burst for good? I guess not.

Ex Squeeze Me
My tale of my car being hit by someone I know

Tis The Season

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It has been a grim year and I, and many others, will be very glad to leave it behind, but even with maximum lockdown spreading rapidly across the UK with the new virus mutation, I have a great holiday weekend planned with roaring fires, presents, great food, homemade pancakes, (probably too much) chocolate, board games and so on. My soon to be ex-wife will be absent but my three children, two cats, and one dog will all be here having a great time and there is a good chance that this will be the most enjoyable Christmas that we have had so far this millenium. I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve had requests for a family video of us making pancakes over the holiday that I may well film on New Year’s Day and post on YouTube. 🙂


Line Up & Shut Up

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This is almost beyond belief. I bicycled to Whole Foods on Tuesday afternoon to get a few items. Below is a movie I took of the line. Keep in mind, this is a weekday afternoon. It isn’t a last-minute rush just before Christmas. This is just normal life. I’ve never seen it this bad, not even in March. I ditched this place for a small local grocery where the line was exactly zero people long.