Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Best of 2020: Part 1 of 8

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Preface to all eight parts: This year was an extraordinary one for the world and an amazing one for Slope. Our user base has grown, our site has dozens more features, and we are poised for a great 2021, which will be our sixteenth year in business. Out of the thousands of posts this year, we have picked some we believe you will enjoy re-reading the most. I will be rolling out these “parts” between now and the last day of this godawful year.

CES Silliness
We begin the new year with a look at the most ridiculous contraptions

Softbank’s $4 Billion Pizza
One of my best posts of the whole year, a take-down of Zuma.

Softbank’s Doppelganger
How CMGI compares to its modern-day equivalent.

What Expiring Bubbles Look Like
A prescient post from NFTRH just before the bubble did, in fact, pop.

The Terrible Truth About Awful Data
Why it’s important to have clean data, and how Slope embraces this value.

Iowa Kaka
The train wreck of an app in the Iowa Caucus

Extension Cord
The hero-worship of Elon Musk

Worst. Timing. Ever.
The electronic brokerage E*Trade was bought at the worst possible moment.

The Dawning Realization
Market movements go into 10th gear

The Bottom Is In
Hey, I missed it by five days, which isn’t too bad.