Fiscal Ouroboros

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Martha Stewart. You all know her, of course. She was always the perpetually smiling, endlessly creative star of the 1980s and 1990s. Men and women alike seemed to like her – – she was pretty, successful, seemed friendly, and always had new things to teach and show. Basically a throwback to the perfect wife of the 1950s without anyone admitting as much. And she’s still a fixture on the cultural scene to this day.

Yet if anyone was asked to name everything they know about Martha Stewart, a majority of them would probably mention that she went to prison because of something to do with insider trading or something like that. And, yes, it’s true. Twenty years ago, it was discovered that, by way of a friend, she avoided $45,000 in losses by getting information in advance of the public. Forty. Five. Thousand. Dollars. So she got thrown in prison for almost half and year and her name was permanently besmirched. Who knows how many tens of millions of dollars of her personal “brand” was destroyed by that minuscule, trivial nothingness.

How quaint. Because this is our world today:


……so that a stock with a P/E of 1600 doesn’t even have to bother with “insider” anything, since it all can be talked about openly……..


……..leading to this……….


Because Tesla was able to throw a billion and a half dollars into the gambling pot. Incredible, isn’t it? Trillions of new dollars sloshing around this casino, with poor old Martha having to deal with a two decade old absurdity as her cross to bear.

I guess the improvement is that now the elites are giving us the heads-up about what shenanigans are going up so we can pick up a crumb or two here or there. All you have to do is interpret silliness:


And turn it into action, as this chart of Doge illustrates:


It seems to me that we have another item to add to my increasingly timely Why Crypto Is Better post…………”Because Tesla is never going to sell its cars in exchange for gold bullion.