Bank On It

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I’m a good dad. A loving husband. A pretty bad bass guitar player. An excellent chartist. And a lousy bull.

As I mentioned in the comments section, I took my profits on my QQQ calls and I also took my profits on my XOP and XLE puts (which, in a strange way, were “bullish” plays, since the relaxation of crude’s price was definitely associated with equities breathing a sigh of relief). To be clear, I am not at ALL aggressively positioned now, with 50% cash (a level not seen for many months). I am in “watch and wait” mode, and would respectfully suggest the level below on the financials as a prospective places to get bearish once more.


On a totally unrelated note, the “mask mandate” ended here in Santa Clara country a week ago. You would think people would be joyously scurrying around, showing their faces again, delighted that the stupid things are off. NOPE! When I go into the grocery store, I am literally the ONLY one without a mask. At the Whole Foods entrance, it says quite clearly on the door that if you’re vax’d you can ditch the mask, and I’m certain every one of these people is triple-vax’d, but seriously, there isn’t a single soul except me not wearing one. I don’t get any dirty looks or anything, but I sure feel awkward. It’s strange.