Out Like a Lamb

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Good morning, everyone. Wow, this must be the most mellow pre-open in weeks! Hardly anything is budging. It’s like the old days.

Hey, let’s check in the $5,000,000/year employee of CNBC, Big Jim Cramer, and check out these hot recommendations based on, yes, technical analysis!


Oh, wait a moment. This is date-stamped October 18 2021. Huh. Well, let’s see how they did anyway. I’ll mark with an arrow the ROAR moment, m’kay?

Before we get started, here is the kind of chart they use with Mr. Five Million Bucks, just so you have some idea what passes for technical analysis with Jimbo.

Anyhoo, how did these two lions perform? Let’s check!


Well – – in fairness, they DID roar for a little while! But I’m not so sure he’s going to want to feature these.