Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

No Time Like the Present

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One of the countless benefits of paid membership is access to Time Perspective Charts, and we’ve just added a new feature that one of you suggested: the ability to Show Present Day on the chart.

If this is checked, a red vertical line will be placed on the chart corresponding to the present day of the year. This is invaluable for assessing, relative to the present, what the trend for the balance of the year tends to be. Cool stuff, huh?

Love And Marriage

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I always try and keep an open mind, as too strong a directional view on any trading instrument can result in tunnel vision, where the analyst sees mainly or only the evidence that supports that view. That is an obstacle to good analysis, and for an analyst who trades, can get very expensive. In trading terms it doesn’t matter whether any market goes up or down, as long as the trader is on the right side of the market. Nothing else matters. I can therefore love a market or trading scenario, but no good analyst should ever marry one.

I was talking last week about my preferred scenario on SPX with the H&S looking for the 4050 area, delivering a 50% retracement of the move up from the 2022 low, and potentially setting up another larger move up into a retest of the all time highs on SPX (and NDX). That is not the only scenario in play here however, and the odds of my main alternate scenario happening instead rose significantly yesterday at the swing low that I think was likely made at the low yesterday afternoon, barring retests and marginal lower lows as part of the bottoming process.


Apple Home Run!

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Back on September 1st, which feels like about a decade ago, I did a premium post called Two Major Tech Gaps which highlighted INTC and AAPL as good bearish candidates. They both turned out great for my beloved paying subscribers, but AAPL in particular has been a sensation.

Here was the original idea. I want you to keep in mind how insane it was, on September 1st, to dare to offer up Apple, the biggest company on the planet, as a short-sale candidate. At the time, I was the only human on the planet stupid enough to suggest this, but that’s how I roll.
