March of the Tesla Clones

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Now that Tesla has come roaring back from the 800s back to safely within the quadruple digits:

slopechart TSLA

…….the rest of the electric car space is beginning to catch its breath and recover. Nikola – – whose founder was literally dragged away in handcuffs on fraud charges and which just paid out, I believe, a nine-figure settlement to the SEC, is getting up off the mat. I’ve got a hunch this is just going to be another gasp higher before it rolls right down the proverbial hill again. So to speak.

slopechart NKLA

There are a couple of firms I hadn’t heard of until today which are kind of interesting; one of them is symbol ZEV, whose company you can read about here.

slopechart ZEV

And then there’s REE, whose website is here. I looked at it briefly, and I’ve got to say, it looks pretty cool.

slopechart REE