Status Queasy

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I want to quote something I penned back in the (much happier) days of January 9, 2016 about the presidential election: “Hillary Clinton will win the election if things more or less, kinda sorta stay the same. In other words, the status quo begets the status quo…………….It’s as simple as that. Status Quo means Hillary. Financial Mayhem means Bernie. Fear means Trump. The events above will determine the winner. You heard it here first.”

Well, look around. You’ve got a VIX that was just yesterday at $12. You’ve got a Wall Street which runs with impunity. You’ve got the Clintons, who have squeezed countless tens of millions out of the corrupt system, all the while espousing the virtues of the lower classes (while wearing $13,000 Armani jackets). And you’ve got a market which is applauding this apathy by way of charts that look just like they do every day……..the S&P……..


……….and oil…….


So we’re going to have to watch Trump and Clinton maul each other verbally for the next five months until she wins, cheered on all the time by Lloyd Blankfein and company. It’s sad.

So here’s my second prediction, which is as sure to come true as the first: she’s going to be the most hated president in history. Even her fans right now don’t like her, but they’re voting for her anyway. But they hate her. There will be honeymoon for this president. The people have already made their minds up. They’re just not willing to tell themselves how they feel yet.