Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Counting on Crude

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Friday, Monday, Tuesday – all great days. I must be dreaming! As of last Wednesday, I was ready to jump off the nearest bridge, since the market just kept pushing higher, irrespective of news or any kind of information. How quickly things change.

Wednesday is a big deal, of course, since it’s one of the four “big” FOMC meetings. My most fervent wish (as you listening, God?) is for Yellen to do her thing, and the market (after its usual spasm) starts falling hard, realizing that the old coot is, at the end, powerless to hold back reality in perpetuity. That day, of course, will eventually come, but I’m sick of waiting for “eventually”. We need that “Emperor Has No Clothes” moment, even if it is a century-old dwarf she-male who wasn’t even physically attractive in her twenties.


Suggestion for Hillary Campaign Theme

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I’ve got to be gone for three freakin’ hours for end-of-year school conferences, so in the meantime, I offer you Rush’s The Big Money, with particularly germane lyrics boldfaced:

Big money goes around the world
Big money underground
Big money got a mighty voice
Big money make no sound
Big money pull a million strings
Big money hold the prize
Big money weave a mighty web
Big money draw the flies


Pre-Skank Tank

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Well, I confess I had forgotten what it felt like to bank profits on a daily basis. It’s a nice feeling. Of course, the anti-Christ Yellen has done a fine job yanking away such feelings in times past, so naturally I’m nervous about Wednesday. All the same, these little BTFD rallies keep failing, which warms my heart.

The small caps are approaching support. Of course, my hope is that the trendline does, in fact, break. The FOMC will settle that matter, I think, one way or the other.

