Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

The Eerie Calm

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Molecool, Royal With Cheese, and I have all noticed an "eerie calm" about our demeanor and disposition toward the market lately. We all think the market is utterly hosed. And we're all kind of amused at how bullish everyone – and I mean everyone – has become. And I'm looking right at you, Annamall! Seriously, the three aforementioned chaps are just about the only bloggy-bears left.

I spent the evening going through my two thick white binders – Tim's Trading Tome and Tim's Trading Tome Two - whose movie rights I still own – and it really helped get my head screwed on straight again. One of the favorite charts I have in there is something molecool put together and posted on his own blog a couple of weeks back - here it is:


A thing of beauty! I love how he's blended his EW projections with the cold reality of mortgage resets. Those damned German engineers are so clever.

Whether or not the market has any more fumes left to drive this rally doesn't matter much to the three of us (if I may be so bold as to speak for my cohorts). The idea that "good ol' American know-how" is going to get us out of this mess (and it is a mess, no matter what the crooks in Washington say to you) is complete hokum. We haven't paid for our sins. And, sooner or later, nature will force things into balance.

I intend to make a tremendous amount of money in the next few years, and I think we're going to look back at this summer one day and just roll our eyes. Remember NCFOM: You can't stop what's coming. It ain't all waitin' on you. That's vanity.

Disqus Update! I've been in touch with Daniel tonight, and they are upgrading their servers – – so expect flakiness, but it's all for the greater good. See their updates here.

All Ye Need Know

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The market's closed. Take a break from charts for a bit and invest a few minutes watching both of these. Waiting for Godot is probably about the closest thing I have to offer which captures my view on the absurdity of life. Plus it does a superb job showing what Mole and I would be like in the desolate landscape together, metaphorically speaking. These videos are the beginning and end of the play. Watch and enjoy!