A Stacking Reminder

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stacksThe redesign of Slope earlier this year, coupled with the introduction of the SocialTrade iPhone app have done wonders boosting SocialTrade usage. However, in spite of over 11,000 items stacked, I’m noticing that there is a fairly concentrated group doing most of the stacking. (It’s the chaps on the left)

I’d like to encourage those of you who aren’t stacking to SocialTrade to do so. Perhaps this seems like labor requested for the common good. Not necessarily! I actually do most of my stacking for the sake of building up a library of valuable content.

Every day, there are items I find on other blogs or elsewhere on the web that are interesting and worth keeping. I’m never going to remember them, and I don’t want to bookmark thousands of items. The solution, for me, is to stack them into SocialTrade into appropriate categories. We already have an amazing collection of charts, research, and articles, all oriented toward trading. And we’ve only just started!

So I’d like to ask more of you to join in. It’s free, and all you need to do is fetch this little bookmarklet for your browser, which you can instantly in just a moment by going to this page. I thank all of you who have been such active stackers, and I welcome newcomers who will join in the hunt!
