Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Only in the Silicon Valley

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Yesterday, I went to my daughter’s school to pick her up. She was doing some Broadway songs0918-beam with friends (thus, no need for a paternity test……), so I just stood at a distance to not interrupt them. I was startled when a robot rolled up next to me and, from the face projected on the video monitor, asked me if I knew where the back-to-school night meeting was. I told the person on the screen that it was on the second floor (and, since we were near the top of the stairs, I had an image of this thing tumbling down the stairway, in a willy-nilly robot way).

The robot-man told me thank you, he would meet them down there – – then he rolled back to his charging station, and I noticed an identical robot on the lower floor start up and roll toward the gathering of people.

When the video-face was talking to me, I noticed at the bottom of the screen were the words “Scott Hassan – Founder Suitable Technologies.” I was vaguely familiar with Suitable, since they are here in town, but not with Scott. So I Googled him and found out, appropriately enough, he was one of Google’s first programmers (and, do the math, therefore a billionaire). His new gig is the aforementioned robot company which, frankly, I think is pretty cool. (more…)

Feeling the Pinch

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SPX touched the daily upper band at the high yesterday and also tested the 50 hour MA at the low, so the two key targets that I gave yesterday morning were both made. So what now? Well I’m still looking for a (hopefully marginal) new all time high, so I’m looking for at least one more test of the upper band, but once there SPX is at a fork in the road and I’m going to talk about the bull and bear scenarios there.

The daily bands are pinching sharply here and that means that there is a very high probability that SPX is shortly going to start either an upper or lower band ride lasting at least three days and possibly much more. I’ve marked the last four daily band pinches on the chart below. The direction is unknown though the odds I gave yesterday of a downward resolution here at 2 to 1 is where I see the odds of the band ride here as well. What this means in practical terms, given that SPX tested the daily upper band yesterday, is that if we now see a strong new high, then this is most likely resolving upwards. (more…)