Slope of Hope Blog Posts

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At Night All Swans Are Grey

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I called the intraday turns on Friday very well, but was struggling to believe what I was seeing. The double top target at 1985 wasn’t made, with a failure at 1990 and a push up to close back at 2007. If we are to make a new high now from that low then that would be unprecedented among the eleven RSI 5 / NYMO daily sell signals going back to the start of 2012.

Looking back further however then there is one precedent for that among the twenty four signals going back to the start of 2007, and it’s not encouraging. That signal didn’t fail, by which I mean it didn’t go as high as the highest RSI 5 peak generating the sell signal, but SPX ran up almost another 4% before making the 2010 spring high. In this case the previous RSI 5 high is lower, but if that held again here SPX might still make it to the daily and weekly upper bands, both currently in the 2030 area, and possibly a bit higher. (more…)