Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Filthy Lucre

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When I was a boy growing up in Louisiana, our youth group at church had us do an enlightening exercise: we all fasted for a day.

Now, not eating anything for 24 hours isn’t a huge deal. No one is going to die from hunger. But for suburban kids accustomed to eating three meals a day, plus snacks, it’s a big change, and having access to only water quickly gave us a small sliver of empathy about what it would be like to actually not have a choice about being hungry.

When we met at the church the following night, we had all been fasting 24 hours. At that point, the minister picked about six kids at random, had them walk up to the stage, and he gave each of them a McDonald’s bag with a meal inside of it. They joyfully ate their meal, while all the rest of us watched on with true envy. It was the first time I knew what it was like to be jealous of someone who had something to eat when I was hungry. That is a memory that has stuck with me my entire life.

I will now tell you another story from the past to lead in to my general point.


A Storm of Sell Signals

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I mentioned yesterday morning that there were a lot of strong sell signals fixed on various equity instruments and timeframes, and quite a few more fixed yesterday. At the close yesterday the roll call of fixed sell signals on SPX, NDX and RUT were as follows:

SPX – daily RSI 5_NYMO, 60min RSI 5, 15min RSI 14
NDX – daily RSI 14 and RSI 5, 60min RSI 14 and RSI 5, 15min RSI 14
RUT – daily RSI 14 and RSI 5, 60min RSI 14 and RSI 5, 15min RSI 14

More are brewing, notably the SPX daily RSI 14, and some weekly sell signals depending on the close today. On the futures charts I only really watch the 60min RSI 14 signals, and ES and NQ were fixed before the close yesterday, with a TF 60min sell signal that then fixed overnight.
