The CAT is Out of the Bag

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Greetings from the inky morning of Bellevue, Washington, where I’ll be spending the next couple of days at a you-know-what. I always enjoy coming up to the Seattle area, since it combines the high-tech culture to which I’m accustomed with the gloomier weather more suited to my sparkling personality.

I just got an email from one of you who kindly informed me that one of my short positions, Caterpillar, was going to have an interesting day:


Glancing at the pre-open quotes right now, CAT looks to be down not quite 3%, so that’s at least heading in a good direction. I’ve shared the Caterpillar chart before, but here’s an updated one with my fondest hope illustrated with the red arrow.


I’m going to be somewhat quieter than normal the next couple of days (and I won’t be doing my Tastytrade show today), but I’ll be checking in from time to time. Good luck out there today!

UPDATE: the market hasn’t opened yet, but I just got word that CAT is now flat. But, hey, I’ve got no other posts in the hopper, so this one has to stay up for now!