The Importance of Trendlines

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My apologies for the lack of posts so far this week. I’ve not been feeling great and it’s been a struggle just to keep up with my daily output for subscribers at Planning to resume these posts on a daily basis from this post today.

Last Friday NDX/NQ broke a strong resistance trendline, and that has opened up higher targets, not so much on NDX/NQ, though I have a longer term resistance trendline on NDX in the 6000 area that I will definitely be watching with great interest if reached. NDX 60min chart:

170607 NDX 60min

The next really interesting trendlines however are on SPX, as the initial rising wedge has clearly now evolved into a rising channel with the channel resistance trendline currently in the 2550 area, so in the absence of a break below channel support, currently in the 2380-5 area, that will remain a possible target. That’s not the only, or even the best, target above, as there are also two possible alternate wedge resistance trendlines above, with the lower trendline also the rising wedge resistance trendline on the bigger picture wedge from the early 2016 low. That would be the most likely target here and I have that currently in the 2485 area.

I was talking about this setup in my premarket video at this morning and have cut a five minute clip from there where I am looking at all five of the charts used in this post. You can see that clip here. In that clip I refer to a setup on GC that I was looking at on Monday morning showing the three good trendline options there that were making me doubtful about seeing a high in the 1280s. The third and highest trendline option was tested a few hours later so just sayin’. You can see that three minute GC clip from my premarket video on Monday here.

SPX 60min chart:

170607 SPX 60min

The ES and NQ futures charts below were done before the open for Daily Video Service subscribers at If you are interested in trying our services a 30 day free trial is available here.

On ES I was treating yesterday’s low as a solid candidate for the short term retracement low and there’s been nothing to change that view so far today, though this remains a big news close to the week with the British general election today. It seems unlikely that Britain’s halfwitted opposition leader will be elected, but if there’s a big surprise at the polls then the prospect of having an avid fan of the economic policies of Castro and Chavez heading a major western economy could obviously be a significant market mover tomorrow. ES Jun 60min chart:

170608 AM ES Jun 60min

NQ has been weak today and the possible double top there is looking more dangerous than before the open. I have serious reservations about seeing much more upside on NQ as of our Big Five tech stocks only AMZN looks as though it might have more than minimal room to the upside without major resistance breaks. AAPL, FB, TSLA & NFLX all look done or very close to being done. NQ Jun 60min chart:

170608 AM NQ Jun 60min

TF has delivered the 1416 retest that I was looking at this morning and may well be on the way back to retest the ATH at 1425. Good reason to think TF makes that ATH retest though not much reason currently to think it goes much higher. TF Jun 60min chart:

170608 AM TF Jun 60min

NDX/NQ and RUT/TF are both looking as though they could fail hard in the very near future, which raises doubts in my mind about the options that I’ve been outlining for SPX today. What I would say though is that in the absence of a break of SPX channel support, reaching at least the lowest of those trendline options is just a matter of time, and the two retracements on SPX over the last two weeks both bottomed at perfect tests of the 50 hour MA (currently 2427/8), which is what I would expect to see in a strong ongoing move up. Until the bears can at least break under that there is nothing much to see on the short side here.

Stan and I did our monthly free public Chart Chat webinar at on Sunday afternoon, and if you’d like to see the recording that is posted on our June Free Webinars page. I would also note that this week’s edition of The Weekly Call is posted and that the model portfolio there is up 178% (to May 17th) over the last seven months, looking well on course to make our target minimum 200% return over the first year. As and when that target is reached we’re thinking of making the strategy there a bit less conservative. That’s a free weekly service and if you trade futures I’d suggest adding it to your reading list.