Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Building Blocks, Part IV (by The Director)

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While I’m with people playing top golf I wanted to write an article on delta.

To recap an option is out of the money when the strike price it diverges the current price. For example for call options if the strike price is below the current price that option is in the money. It will have both extrinsic value and intrinsic value. Remember when we mentioned intrinsic value that means that if the option is exercised at this moment the amount of value between the strike price of a current price represents the intrinsic value. Because options expire in the future they also have an extrinsic value which is governed by four primary factors.

The four Greeks that truly matter are delta, theta, gamma, and vega. The first three are derived from Greek letters by the last one is a common name that has been derived by options traders. These are known as the “greeks”.


Bonds and Related Indicators

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Excerpted from the June 25 edition of Notes From the Rabbit Hole, which also included comprehensive analysis of US and global stock markets, commodities, precious metals and stock charts galore (with the Market Internals segment, in particular, having evolved into what I find to be a must-have guide).

TLT is now a buck from its target of 129. Tell me, where is all that mania about rising interest rates and the likes of the “R.I.P. Bond Bull Market” headlines (Bloomberg called the bottom almost to the day with that Louise Yamada hype). Now a mature bounce labors on. 129 does not need to stop the move, but it’s a long-standing marker, so… (more…)

Latest Batch of SlopeCharts Improvements

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I’m very pleased to let you know of a hodgepodge of improvements to SlopeCharts. Please note that all of these improvements are for all Slopers, not just our esteemed Slope PLUS members.

First up is a new icon, located on the extreme right, for Preferences.


At the moment, we’ve only got a couple of things in there, but this is going to be a repository for all kinds of future user preferences, such as color schemes, that do not yet exist. As of now, there are a couple of settings, both of them new features themselves.

