Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Tag and Bag

By -

Besides the improvements in SlopeCharts mentioned on Sunday, I had another one for you – – the ability to display only tagged symbols in watch lists. (SlopeCharts link is here).

Tagging is a basic feature in watch lists, allowing you to highlight specific symbols that, for instance, you want to keep a close eye on. A “tag” icon appears next to any tagged symbols. But what if you want to see only those, and not even bother viewing the rest? Here’s how to do it: make thei choice from the Watch Lists menu:

