Slope of Hope Blog Posts

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New “SELL” Signal Triggered on Weekly SPX:VIX Ratio

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I last wrote about the SPX:VIX ratio in my post of October 17. At the time, volatility was creeping higher, as the SPX was making new highs.

As of 2:00 pm today (Wednesday), volatility has continued to rise, as the ratio dropped to just above the critical 200 “New Bull Market” level, as shown on the following SPX:VIX Monthly ratio chart.


A Whiff Of Grapeshot

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Nice trend down for the first half day today. There is still an outstanding H&S target below on NQ in the 5975 area, but the strong support zone on ES in the 2539-43 has been tested with the LOD currently at 2541.5. That is a possible H&S neckline, and if a right shoulder forms the ideal right shoulder high would be in the 2561/2 area.

On the bigger picture the strong daily RSI 5 / NYMO sell signal that fixed on SPX is playing out, and it looks unlikely that will reach the possible near miss target today. That would fit with the possible H&S forming on ES, with would have a target in the 2507-12 area on a conviction break down. That is a decent match with the obvious first trendline support target on SPX, currently in the 2500 area. SPX daily chart:

171025 SPX Daily
