I always love reading titles to articles that tell me I am about to read a bunch of “reasons” as to why a market is going to do something. So, I thought I would write my own.
When someone presents you with such an article, this is what they are really saying:
The stock market is logically going to decide to move in a specific direction because the reasons for it to do so are stronger than the reasons for it to move in the opposite direction.
Ultimately, the underlying premise of these articles is that a market moves based upon logic and reasoning.
So, let me ask you some questions:
With what logician did the analyst consult in order to come up with their analysis?
And, when was the last time you read analysis from a logician in order to determine the direction for the stock market? I mean, would it not make the most sense for logicians to provide analysis for the stock market if one believes that we should be looking into reasoning for the market to move in a specific direction?