Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.


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The U.S.S. SlopeRules continues to get stronger, smarter, and better every day, thanks to the support of Slope Premium Members.

In fact, let me stop myself right now and make this offer: if you subscribe to a Slope membership – ANY membership – I’ll send you a free copy of my new Joy of Charting book. The usual deal is you have to sign up for a year. But I’m in a good mood, and I want you to try a premium membership, so for the next 48 hours, ANY monthly membership gets you the free book. Sign up by clicking here, and just email me where you want the book sent. You’ll love it!



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I had a terrific day thanks, ironically, to the King of the Wimps, Mr. Jerome “please don’t’ tweet something mean to me., Mr. President” Powell. The man (and I use the term loosely) completely and utterly caved in to his bullish masters (clearly the man is a “bottom“). The markets absolutely soared (see green below). But, as proof of a vengeful God above, the entire gain was destroyed and flipped red.


Total Fed Surrender

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As ZH aptly put it, Powell has thrown in the towel. Although they’re obviously not going to spin it as such, the Federal Reserve has utterly failed in its ability to “normalize” and will be trapped in a perpetual cycle of multi-trillion dollar balance sheets and nearly-0% rates. At least until they blow up completely. I humbly suggest you watch XLF instead of /ES to see what matters.

Elfin Ears Approaches

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Well, it only happens four times a year, so we might as well brace ourselves. It’s the king of charlatans, Jerome Powell, who will announce absolutely nothing and discuss it at great length to a waiting world. I am at the moment working hard on more SlopeRules improvements (I am fully positioned, so no need to be in front of a trading screen). See you after the dust settles with the nimrod.