Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Mario’s Impotence

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I couldn’t be happier. Mario Draghi, that disgusting pig who, God willing, will ultimately face public execution alongside Jerome Powell, once again sold out to his banker bosses and did his EASING thing. Because, ya know, the crisis ended ten years ago, but God knows central banks still need to keep accommodating. The billionaires need more billions.

In any case, Mario’s ugly face has become even uglier as the entire world is laughing at his feckless attempts to keep propping things up. Yes, stocks had their knee-jerk reaction pre-market to his whoring, but apparently the old man just can’t keep it up anymore. Regardez vous si vous plait:


Watch the Bonds

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Since worldwide equity markets have long since dispatched the importance of silliness like products, revenues, earnings, and growth – – all in favor of the endless largesse of fiat-printing central banks – – all eyes were on Mario Draghi this morning (which, if you’ve seen the man’s face, is unfortunate for all observers).

To the delight of equity bulls, Draghi is the same amoral, spineless bureaucratic creep that Jerome Powell is, so he has once again grabbed his ankles and went Full Dove. ES and NQ markets vaulted green, with the NQ in particular soaring a full 50 points above its overnight low. As of this immediate moment, ES and NQ have returned to red. I find this fascinating, similar to the way in which Trump’s declaration last night that (groan) Trade Talks Are Going Well was meant with a worldwide eye-roll.
