Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

The Week That Isn’t

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This week was supposed to be a seriously big deal. On March 27th, Wednesday, there was supposed to be the huge China/US trade deal signing ceremony in Mar-a-Lago. Then, only two days later, Brexit wa to become official.

In this new everything-gets-postponed-indefinitely world of ours, neither of these is happening. So let’s occupy ourselves by glancing at a few ETFs which, to my mind, seem vulnerable at their present price levels.

slopechart GDX
precious metals miners

The Shroud

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Many years ago, a column appeared regularly in our local paper called The Mommy Zone. It was written by a local mother named Tekla Nee, who had three young children. Her column (and, later, blog) covered all the kinds of stories you’d expect regarding the changes that children bring, challenges with education, sibling rivalry, and so forth. She lives a few blocks from me.

Even though having children was still a few years off for me, I would read the columns with interest, hoping perhaps to learn a thing or two. After all, as the youngest kid of my own family (and acting every bit the part), I never had any experience at all with children.

One of her kids, a bright young man named Misha, was accepted into Stanford. That in itself is kind of proof positive that you’ve done everything right, because getting your son into Stanford (not just a child, but a local, white male from an upper-middle class household, which is four strikes against you) pretty much demonstrate you’ve done everything right as a parent. You have, as the saying goes, checked all the boxes.


Erring Cautious

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Happy Monday, everyone. I had an enjoyable and productive weekend. I hope most of you saw the news that SlopeRules now has optimization for almost all its indicators (which took gazillions of calculations, but Slopers are worth it). The Slope Development Train is chugging along, and you can expect a continuous series of new improvements and features.

For my own portfolio, I was pleased to see that the Mueller report, ironically, did nothing to bolster bullish bets. However, I’ve eased back this morning from nearly 200% invested to 128%. The risk of some kind of counter-trend bounce is too high for me to just sit around.


Minding Miners (by Violet)

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As fractures and fissures appear in the life cycle of USD fiat, Gold looks to be beginning its third bull market in 50 years.

To profit from the rise in Gold, perhaps the best way to invest is through mid-tier and junior mining companies.

An investment in popular GDX may seem the obvious [and easiest] choice, but for superior gains it may not be the best.  Others who have done the 10-Q and 10-K research to vet the numbers, conclude that the largest gold miners face serious challenges of growing production, which is fundamentally linked to company growth and thus stock price.
