Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Her Skin Gleamed Blue

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It’s interesting to think back to when you first connected with a certain cultural artifact. It could be a musician, a band, a comic, a writer…………any person who creates. My love of Beethoven, for example, came from the unlikely source of watching A Clockwork Orange, which isn’t exactly considered a fundamental introduction to classical music. I got into Prokofiev by watching Woody Allen’s Love and Death. And so forth. We all have our different tales.

In the late 1980s, I regularly attended the Sick & Twisted Animation Festival, and the item below was one of the entries. That’s all it took to get me into Was Not Was. Enjoy!

Boost Your Income Using Poor Man’s Covered Calls on Dividend Aristocrats

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Before I get started I want to encourage all of you interested in trading options to sign-up for my free weekly newsletter. No, I’m not going to send you more than the one email a week and no I’m not running a service. I’m a trader. This is completely free from all marketing. You will find educational topics, research, trade ideas, weekly indicators and more each week. I’ve been on Slope for a long, long time and would love your all of your support. Thanks.

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Today I want to discuss how to create a portfolio of Dividend Aristocrats using a poor man’s covered call strategy.

In a market environment shaped by low rates and low yields in the fixed income arena, Dividend Aristocrats using a poor man’s covered call approach might be an attractive alternative for some investors, especially those seeking steady income.


Gold/Silver Ratio: “Slowly I ‘Toined…”

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The turn upward in the Gold/Silver Ratio has brought a degree of market upset

The question now is whether that is all. Was the GSR simply forecasting Evergrande and associated systemic hype or something worse? And by “worse” I don’t mean the Fed pretending that it really wants to start tapering and go hawkish. As belabored often, the Fed was forced into a hawk suit last spring as the public ate the inflation hysteria.

Since we’re on the Stooges theme, Larry?…
