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Well, the SPAC started as it often does. Enthusiasm. Volume. Press releases. Uphealth was a public company, ladies and gentlemen!

slopechart UPH

But, ya know, the whole SPAC thing is a bit stinky, and one should always wonder a bit about any firm that didn’t go the traditional IPO route, with its, ya know, scrutiny. Anyway, here’s an updated chart for the firm. As for the record highs, those are the little blips near the top of the chart. Use a microscope if necessary.

slopechart UPH

I blame the home page. I can picture the design meeting. “Gentlemen, regarding the home page, I have just two words for you: Hairy. Arms.”


How is the management reacting to the total wipeout of their market cap? Personally, I think the two top dogs there provide a convenient “Before” and “After” picture of their emotional makeup.
