First Talk Impressions

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SlopeTalk isn’t even a day old, but I wanted to say a few words about how things are going so far.

I’m pleased to see that our testing stood us in good stead, as the page seems stable and the product is, I believe, quite feature-rich. As I mentioned at the introduction, this week is dead quiet across the board (take a look at the volume on the SPY if you need proof), but I very deliberately rolled out a “community” product when there is hardly any “community” in order to keep risk very low.

I saw a few folks ask about getting a Futures channel, so even though there is already a Metals and Energy channel, I’ve added Futures for all the other stuff (such as, notably, the equity futures). One fellow made an eloquent argument for sort of an “omnibus” channel which would show the content of all the channels at once, but I’m not sure if that makes strategic or technical sense yet – – we’re exploring it.

Next month, I intend to be promoting SlopeTalk rather widely in an effort to spur participation. If you have any specific suggestions, as always, feel free to drop me a line directly. Thanks for embracing this new page so warmly!