Nailed It. Again.

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Even though it was approaching midnight (EST) on Monday, your faithful Tim was in the trenches, offering his market views. Last night, I stated, “The mega-spike we had last Tuesday PERFECTLY tagged a major Fibonacci level (I can’t believe I didn’t notice that until now) and, as of this very moment, the /ES is challenging the next lower level. In other words, there could be MAJOR support here”

And as I wake up for a new trading day, what do I see?

So that’s how the world is divided, folks. On the one hand, you’ve got charlatans and nincompoops like Cathie D. Wood and James Cramer who are paid enormous fortunes every year to be stone cold wrong 100% of the time, and then you’ve got little old me, who can whip out his big Nostradamus crystal balls and make winning predictions all year, while begging people to commit a few pennies at day to their memberships, if they could please consider such a gift.

It’s a strange world.

In any case, I’m fully loaded and looking forward to another day of this, ummm, Santa Claus Rally.