Targeted Capital Explained

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First and foremost I want to thank Tim for allowing me to write a post about my book Targeted Capital: The Art Of Low Risk High Reward Trading.  Second, I want to thank the Slope community as a whole; so far the reception of the book has been nothing short of overwhelming.  Thank you so incredibly much.

Targeted Capital Amazon Cover (1)

I wanted to quickly spell out what Targeted Capital contains for those who might be interested in picking up a copy of the book.  I truly think Targeted Capital contains relevant information for all traders no matter what their style, market, or preferred timeframe of trading is.  However, the last thing I would want is for someone to purchase a copy and find that it is totally irrelevant to their style of trading.  Here is what the book contains.

Philosophy:  This section outlines the way I personally view the market.  It speaks to market structure, the time duration of price moves, how technology has rapidly increased the movement of the market, how price movement and time interrelates into what I call “Coastline Theory,” my Golden Rule of Trading, and my thoughts on risk control.

Trading Parables:  The fun section!  Trading Parables is a collection of stories that highlights and explains the importance of critical trading rules.  The stories are interesting and engaging as opposed to boring and dry.  Its much more fun to think about “why we should utilize good discipline and risk control, etc” in an interesting story form instead of a bland textbook example.  This section is especially relevant to all traders.

Trade Setups:  I outline my top ten best trades that I use on a daily basis.  Each trade is explained with Mechanics Of The Trade, Psychology Of The Trade, and How The Trade Works.  I outline specific price “checkpoints” that a trade must meet for it to work effectively.  Additionally, I show the exact entry point for the trade and the stop loss zone.  Lastly, each trade comes with several charts specifically showing the trade setup.  In total, Trade Setups contains 40 charts and 10 trades.  Of these trades, two are bullish only, one is bearish only, two are special circumstances, and the rest work in both bullish or bearish markets.

Position Size:  This is a brief section about how a trader can properly increase trading size in a calm and controlled fashion.  Every trader knows that increasing size too quickly can lead to a myriad of problems.  This section shows how to achieve size in a gradual and mathematically rational way.

Targeted Capital is available for Kindle, iPad, and download on a Windows based PC.  Apple provides a free Kindle app for iPad and iPhone; Windows Store provides a free reader app for the PC.

Lastly, I want to wish all of you the absolute best when trading.  Regardless if you buy the book or not, we are all part of the great Slope community.  I wish a profitable market experience for each and every one of you.  Trading is quite the adventure, those that have the courage to do battle with the market each and every day are a special group; all the best to each and every one of you.

Here is the link to Targeted Capital