Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

June 11 Was the Top

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Pretty bold (or stupid) for me to say something so definitive, isn't it? Well, if nothing else, I am opinionated. I don't think we're going to see 1,000+ after all. The government threw everything they had at the market, and June 11 was the top (in my opinion……….obviously). We got awfully close to 1,000, but I cannot picture a scenario in which we get above it this year.

This is actually kind of disappointing for me, and part of me is hoping we get up to 1,200 on the S&P by some miracle. I'm hoping to make a lot of profit in the resumption of the bear market, and these aren't exactly nosebleed levels we're at. But the charts are seriously broken for the bulls. This is why I added nearly 100 new positions today alone – all of them short.

If we break the neckline on the S&P, as shown below, I think we're heading to 800 this summer – – maybe even this month. After that, I have no earthly idea. I think a horrible chop between 800 and 900 is the most likely prospect, torturous as that sounds.


We family has been really patient with me during this two week "vacation", so I think I'm going to go silent for a while – – maybe even a couple of days! So enjoy the July 4th holiday, and congratulations to everyone who was short.

We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident

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  • Printing up trillions of dollars of fiat money is no way to save a crumbling economy;
  • A soaring jobless rate is not a basis for optimism about the prospects for equities;
  • The fact that Goldman Sachs was able to snooker the public (again) by pushing the market higher 1 quarter out of 7 does not mean a new bull market has appeared;
  • Dumping tens of billions of dollars into the completely failed US auto industry at taxpayer expense is not a wise move;
  • Throwing trillions of dollars at insolvent banks, which spend most of their attention lining their executives pockets with enormous bonuses, is imprudent;
  • Pretending that the Medicare and Social Security System aren't headed for certain collapse is disingenuous
  • Peach cobbler with two scoops of ice cream can make a delicious noontime treat.

Congratulations, Slopers. The trading week is over. You won.

All the New Shorts

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Here is my gift to you – the result of many, many hours of hard work – – you can download my entire list of new shorts with stop prices as a simple text file. The file format is:

<ticker> <stop price> <quantity>

The quantity won't be very useful, since it's simply about the quantity of shares required for a $10,000 position.

I was able to enter orders on virtually all of these (a few were not available). I am very "fully loaded" now on the short side.