Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Short Hawaiian Electric HE (by Ryan Mallory)

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It didn't take me much time this morning to add a new position, and I did so by shorting Hawaiian Electric (HE) at $28.44. The stock is forming a very nice head and shoulders pattern this morning, and the only drawback to this play is that it hasn't broken the neckline of the aforementioned pattern. So that does increase my risk, but my reasons for seemingly 'jumping the gun' is to to keep risk tight in case this market does continue to rally, but provide my a hedge against my existing four long positions that I have (I also have a short position right now in BRO). falling-coconuts

Just because things are looking well-overbought, and a number of my indicators that I follow are showing the same thing, doesn't mean I'm going to front run this market, in hopes of timing that reversal. Instead, I just want to curb my exposure as much as possible, tighten up long stops, etc .

Here's the trade setup in HE.

Hawaiian Electric HE

Be sure to checkout Ryan's blog at

My Safety is My Trigger Finger (by Phantomcapital)

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All traders must figure out the style of trading that best suits them in order to survive and profit in the markets.  I quickly discovered that my style was best suited for placing leveraged intraday bets on the S&P via options.  When I would describe this to other traders they would look at me and derisively say, “oh, so you’re just a day trader.”  This absolutely infuriated me at first, but then I came to not only be ok with this label but actually embrace it.  Why?  Simply, I find that my safety is my trigger finger.




How Should We Judge Uranus?

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One of my favorite features in SocialTrade is the Reminder, since I often want to be reminded to "look back" at a particular prediction and see how it worked out.

This morning, for instance, I was emailed a reminder about an astrological configuration that had been offered as a "crash" warning. That was several weeks ago, and suffice it to say – in case you hadn't noticed – nothing's crashed anywhere.


So I'd like to be able to DO something with this result so that, over the course of time, SocialTraders can get a sense as to what works and what doesn't. My current idea is to be able to assign a "rating" to this item, now that the event has passed. Perhaps it could range from -5 to +5 (with the page above getting, I suppose, a -5 rating). I think I'd label this star rating as Predictive Value.

But I'd love to hear your ideas as well – – or whether or not SocialTraders out there would like to see this kind of new feature added. I don't want to over-complicate the system, but I want to build up the knowledge base in a useful way at the same time.

Intraday Update on Russell 2000 and S&P 500 Indices

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The Russell 2000 Index is in demand, so far, today, as shown on the one-day comparison chart below with its fellow Major Indices.

The RUT:RVX (Russell 2000 Volatility Index) Daily ratio chart below shows that the Russell closed above its downtrend resistance line yesterday and has advanced further, so far, today. The question is, can it hold onto its gains by the close today, and thereafter?


The SPX:VIX Daily ratio chart below shows the S&P 500 Index near the top of this week's action, so far, today…one to watch to see if it can advance and hold above its near-term resistance level of 92.50.