Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

What’s the Most You Ever Lost on a Coin Toss?

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Wow! I say again: Wow! And I thought my Change in Tone post brought in a lot of response. I’ve never stirred the pot up so much as I did with my post about Slope’s business model. I appreciate – truly, truly appreciate – everyone voting, commenting, and emailing me. It was invigorating, thought-provoking, and helpful.

So here’s my big announcement. After careful consideration, here’s what I’m going to change about Slope: (more…)

Did We Miss That Fourth Turn?

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The markets aren’t exactly a rich, loamy soil for planting prose these days, so I was trying to think0628-fourth of something to write about this weekend. I glanced at my bookshelf and noticed a favorite of mine, The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy – What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America’s Next Rendezvous with Destiny, which a couple of readers have mentioned to me again recently. I grabbed the book on the way out the door, thinking it would be a terrific thing to write about.

With the thousands upon thousands of posts I’ve done on Slope, I often forget what I’ve written about in the past, and this was no exception. Before I started putting together my long post on the book, I did a search for “Fourth Turning”, and voila – – been there, done that.

On re-reading what I wrote nearly two years ago, I noticed a few things: (more…)

Gold’s Value is Not About Currency Collapse

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NOTE FROM TIM: For those of you who haven’t voted in my poll yet, please do so by clicking here! I really want your input. As for everyone else, I really, really, really appreciate all the comments and emails. I’m going to go through every comment carefully this morning and write up a “Response” post today with my thoughts. But I wanted to get a real post up and get my poll off the top of the blog – – but, again, if you haven’t voted, please do so. Thanks again, everyone!

This article at Hard Assets Investor talks about Jeff Gunlach’s bullish gold call for 2014 and uses Dylan Grice’s 2012 call as an example of how the end of the world (i.e. gold’s safe haven value) can be put on hold indefinitely.

Is Jeff Gundlach’s Bullish Gold Call Too Early?

So is Gundlach wrong today? Grice wasn’t necessarily wrong in 2012. What he called “the largest credit inflation in financial history, a credit hyperinflation” has instead rolled on…taking asset prices higher and crushing interest rates. But it hasn’t, as yet, hit the value of money itself. (more…)

A Change for Slope?

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I need your opinion to help me make an important decision, please.

Slope of Hope is 9 1/4 years old. It is as close a thing I have to a “job” in my life, and unlike most jobs, it’s a 365 days/year gig. It’s my choice, of course, to be that obsessed with the blog, and I think my obsession is a big part of what’s kept it thriving over this ridiculous span of time.

Back during the financial crisis (remember that?) I was up to my neck in advertising revenue. It was awesome enough I was virtually printing money via short-selling; the tons of cash from ads was just icing on the cake. (more…)