Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Amazon vs Hachette: Why An Axe May Beat A Hammer (Part 1)
For those not up to speed on the war of words (quite literally) between Amazon™ and Hachette™, it basically revolves around one central theme: Amazon believes a price should be X, and Hachette believes it should be Y. So the question everyone is asking is, “Who’s right?” In my view that’s the wrong question to even begin with.
The reason being is this (and I’m not trying to be coy) both are correct if you understand what the real question and answer should be, and that is: Whomever owns the product owns the right to price. Whomever owns the distribution point (or the store) owns the right to carry it or not. Period. (more…)
Best and Worst Trades
This spiffy infographic of history’s worst and best trades dropped into my inbox this morning, courtesy of 888markets……(click on it to see the ginormous version, and then click the magnifying glass icon on it, because, let’s face it, what’s shown below isn’t that interesting):
Angie’s Pissed
In this propped-up, hyper-inflated, completely-fake “market” of ours, if you run a public company that isn’t puking to new highs every day, you’ve got yourself some problems. Because, looking at these companies below, it seems to me that if in the year 2189, markets are every allowed to function normally again, they’re all going to find firm support at $0.00. I could show plenty more charts like this, but I’ll keep it as simple as A, B, C………. (more…)